173 Ergebnisse für: ciii
Digitale Sammlungen / Bremisches Jahrbuc... [149]
Digitale Sammlungen
Kreationismus in Deutschland: Fakten und Analysen - Andreas Beyer - Google Books
Der Kreationismus (wörtlich verstandener, auf biologische Phänomene übertragener biblischer Schöpfungsglaube) blühte mit dem Erscheinen von Charles Darwins Artenbuch (1859) im christlichen Abendland auf und ist bis heute ein nicht nur in den USA weit…
The Pacific Islands: An Encyclopedia - Google Books
This authoritative reference book and accompanying CD-ROM provide easy-to-access information about all the islands and island countries of the Pacific. Its comprehensive range of detail includes maps, graphs, and hundreds of photographs, as well as more…
Handbook of Formal Languages: Volume 1. Word, Language, Grammar - Grzegorz Rozenberg - Google Books
This first volume of the Handbook of Formal Languages gives a comprehensive authoritative exposition on the core of language theory. Grammars, codes, power series, L systems, and combinatorics on words are all discussed in a thorough, yet self-contained…
Deutsche Biographie - Kükenthal, Willy
Deutsche Biographie
Deutsche Biographie - Bradke, Peter von
Deutsche Biographie
JOHANNES Cassianus
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
An Anthology of Jewish-Russian Literature: 1801-1953 - Google Books
This definitive anthology gathers stories, essays, memoirs, excerpts from novels, and poems by more than 130 Jewish writers of the past two centuries who worked in the Russian language. It features writers of the tsarist, Soviet, and post-Soviet periods,…
Brass Music of Black Composers: A Bibliography - Google Books
Aaron Horne provides the most comprehensive guide to brass music written by black composers. He covers composers from around the world in the 19th and 20th centuries. Included in the book is biographical information; commission, duration, instrumentation,…
Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of ... - Vitalij Pecharsky, Peter Zavalij - Google Books
A little over ?ve years have passed since the ?rst edition of this book appeared in print. Seems like an instant but also eternity, especially considering numerous developments in the hardware and software that have made it from the laboratory test beds…