474 Ergebnisse für: attract
Diamondoid Molecules: With Applications In Biomedicine, Materials Science ... - Mansoori G Ali, De Araujo Elmo Silvano, De Araujo Patricia Lopes Barros - Google Books
Diamondoids are cage-like, ultra stable, saturated ringed hydrocarbons, which have a diamond-like structure consisting of a number of six-member carbon rings fused together. Adamantane is the cage compound prototype and the simplest diamondoid molecule.…
Europe At the Seaside: The Economic History of Mass Tourism in the Mediterranean - Google Books
Mass tourism is one of the most striking developments in postwar western societies, involving economic, social, cultural, and anthropological factors. For many countries it has become a significant, if not the primary, source of income for the resident…
Kigali.de - Ihr Kigali Shop
Interpreting Kigali, Rwanda als eBook Download von Smith Korydon H. Smith, Berlanda Toma Berlanda, Happy Dog Supreme Adult Sensible Africa - 300 g, Project time overrun factors and project delivery in Rwanda als Buch von Jeanne Uwanyirigira, In Praise…
Remember.co.de - Ihr Remember Shop
Remember Remember Food Gedächtnisspiel, Remember Sofadecke Strickbaumwolldecke Yves, Remember Badetuch Selva, A Picture to Remember, Remember Wäschekorb Scoop,
Cinema Taiwan: Politics, Popularity and State of the Arts - Google Books
Following the recent success of Taiwanese film directors, such as Hou Hsiao-hsien, Edward Yang, Ang Lee and Tsai Ming-liang, Taiwanese film is raising its profile in contemporary cinema. This collection presents an exciting and ambitious foray into the…
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Mastering Gamification: Customer Engagement in 30 Days - Scot Harris, Kevin O'Gorman - Google Books
Gamification has taken the business world by storm as a proven method for improving customer engagement and in turn business revenue. More and more multi-million dollar companies are adopting this technique, and now we’ve scaled it down to work for your…
RSPB Handbook of Garden Wildlife - Peter Holden, Geoffrey Abbott - Google Books
This is a brand new title designed as a companion to the best-sellingRSPB Handbook of British Birds. This RSPB-endorsed guide includessections covering over 200 of the mammal, bird, amphibian and reptile,invertebrate, spider, insect, butterfly, moth, wild…