268 Ergebnisse für: pagine
1284 La battaglia della Meloria - Antonio Musarra - Google Libri
Il 6 agosto del 1284 è la festa di San Sisto: un giorno solitamente fausto per Pisa. Quel giorno, al largo di Livorno, nei pressi delle secche della Meloria, Genovesi e Pisani si affrontarono in una delle più grandi battaglie navali del Medioevo. La causa…
Revista Kimelchén Enero 2009 - Corporación Cultural Municipal Valdivia - Google Libri
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Charles I of Anjou: Power, Kingship and State-Making in Thirteenth-Century ... - Jean Dunbabin - Google Libri
Charles I of Anjou (1225-85), brother of St Louis, was one of the most controversial figures of thirteenth-century Europe. A royal adventurer, who carved out a huge Mediterranean power block, as ruler of Provence, Jerusalem and the kingdom of Naples as…
The Hellenistic Settlements in Europe, the Islands, and Asia Minor - Getzel M. Cohen - Google Libri
This compendium provides historical narratives, detailed references, citations, and commentaries on all the cities founded or refounded in Europe, The Islands, and Asia Minor during the Hellenistic period. Organized coherently in more than 180 entries, it…
Fighting Emperors of Byzantium - John Carr - Google Libri
The Eastern Roman or 'Byzantine' Empire had to fight for survival throughout its long history so military ability was a prime requisite for a successful Emperor. John Carr concentrates on the personal and military histories of the more capable war…
Revista Kimelchén Diciembre 2008 - Corporación Cultural Municipal Valdivia - Google Libri
The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571: The fifteenth century - Kenneth Meyer Setton - Google Libri
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Elena: l'ultima imperatrice bizantina - Luka Petanović - Google Libri
Elena Dragas può essere considerata "l'imperatrice dei Romani". Rimasta sempre accanto agli ultimi tre sovrani di Bisanzio, trascorse attivamente ben cinquantotto anni nel Palazzo del potere. Ultima imperatrice di un impero millenario, difese il trono per…
Scanderbeide: The Heroic Deeds of George Scanderbeg, King of Epirus - Margherita Sarrocchi - Google Libri
The first historical heroic epic authored by a woman, Scanderbeide recounts the exploits of fifteenth-century Albanian warrior-prince George Scanderbeg and his war of resistance against the Ottoman sultanate. Filled with scenes of intense and suspenseful…
The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571: The fifteenth century - Kenneth Meyer Setton - Google Libri
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