821 Ergebnisse für: lexington
The Cinema of Michael Mann - Steven Rybin - Google Books
Few other contemporary Hollywood filmmakers fit the category of 'genre stylist' as well as Michael Mann, the director of such films as Heat, The Insider, Ali, Collateral, Manhunter, Thief, and Miami Vice. Mann's film style marks him as a director who…
Labrang Monastery: A Tibetan Buddhist Community on the Inner Asian ... - Paul Kocot Nietupski - Google Books
The Labrang Tibetan Buddhist Monastery in Amdo and its extended support community are one of the largest and most famous in Tibetan history. This crucially important and little-studied community is on the northeast corner of the Tibetan Plateau in modern…
Italy's Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century: The New Assertiveness of ... - Google Books
Italy’s Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century: The New Assertiveness of an Aspiring Middle Power, edited by Giampiero Giacomello and Bertjan Verbeek, shows how changes in Italy’s international and domestic environment since the early 1990s have…
Mexico's Unrule of Law: Implementing Human Rights in Police and Judicial ... - Niels Uildriks - Google Books
Mexico's crisis of security is unrelenting. Why is it so hard to establish the rule of law, and why does the country's justice system continue to struggle to deliver both security and adherence to democratic values and human rights? To answer these…
Reading Japan Cool: Patterns of Manga Literacy and Discourse - John E. Ingulsrud, Kate Allen - Google Books
Japanese animation, video games, and manga have attracted fans around the world. The characters, the stories, and the sensibilities that come out of these cultural products are together called Japan Cool. This is not a sudden fad, but is rooted in…
Japan in the World: Shidehara Kijūrō, Pacifism, and the Abolition of War - Klaus Schlichtmann - Google Books
The twentieth century is as remarkable for its world wars as it is for its efforts to outlaw war in international and constitutional law and politics. Japan in the World examines some of these efforts through the life and work of Shidehara Kijuro, who was…
Philosophers of Capitalism: Menger, Mises, Rand, and Beyond - Google Books
Philosophers of Capitalism provides an interdisciplinary approach, attempting to discover the feasibility of an integration of Austrian Economics and Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. In the first section of the book, Edward W. Younkins supplies essays…
Music at the Gonzaga Court in Mantua - Donald C. Sanders - Google Books
Beginning in the second half of the fifteenth century, under the patronage of the Gonzaga family, the northern Italian city of Mantua became a vibrant center for visual art, theatre, and music. The performance at the Gonzaga court of Poliziano's Fabula di…
Yezidis in Syria: Identity Building among a Double Minority - Sebastian Maisel - Google Books
Yezidis in Syria: Identity Building among a Double Minority traces the development of Yezidi identity on the margins of Syria’s minority context. This little known group is connected to the community’s main living area in northern Iraq, but evolved as a…
Hip Hop's Amnesia: From Blues and the Black Women's Club Movement to Rap and ... - Reiland Rabaka - Google Books
What did rap music and hip hop culture inherit from the spirituals, classic blues, ragtime, classic jazz, and bebop? What did rap music and hip hop culture inherit from the Black Women s Club Movement, New Negro Movement, Harlem Renaissance, Hipster…