1,128 Ergebnisse für: kinds

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    The essays presented in this volume describe a phenomenon so widespread in human time and space that its importance is easily overlooked. City walls shaped the history of warfare; the mobilization of manpower and resources needed to build them favored some…

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    For half a century, television spies have been trained professionals, reluctant heroes, housewives, businessmen, criminals, and comedians. They have by turns been glamorous, campy, reflective, sexy, and aloof. This is the first book-length treatment of one…

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    The term "science fiction" first came into common use in the late 1920s, when it was attached to one of the many new genres spawned by the American pulp magazines during a brief period of hectic diversification. The kinds of fiction gathered under the…

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    The term "science fiction" first came into common use in the late 1920s, when it was attached to one of the many new genres spawned by the American pulp magazines during a brief period of hectic diversification. The kinds of fiction gathered under the…

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    The purpose of this book is to study the structures needed to model objects in universal algebra, universal coalgebra and theoretical computer science. Universal algebra is used to describe different kinds of algebraic structures, while coalgebras are used…

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    Drohne Matrice 600, Faserverbundbauweisen. Fasern und Matrices, Nanocellulose and Nanohydrogel Matrices als eBook Download von, Topics In Majorization, Dense Matrices And Their Linear Preservers, Pavillo Deckenschlafsack Matric2Layer,

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    Zum Start in die Sommerferien im Saarland feiern wir mit euch zusammen am Freitag, 28. Juni, das SR Ferien Open Air St. Wendel. Wir feiern am letzten Schultag vor den Sommerferien mit euch die Mega-Party im Alten Bosenbachstadion.

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    The "war on terror" has generated a scramble for expertise on Islamic or Asian "culture" and revived support for area studies, but it has done so at the cost of reviving the kinds of dangerous generalizations that area studies have…

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