86 Ergebnisse für: idealistic
Die Antwoord Evil Boy & DJ Hi Tek at Societi Bistro - YouTube
The characters Evil Boy & DJ Hi Tek of Die Antwoord visit Societi Bistro head chef Stéfan Marais, where Adam (acting as DJ Hi Tek) used to be commis chef.
The Dark Architecture of National Security - Defense One
From the mirrored fortress of the NSA headquarters to the new U.S. Embassy in London, the built environment of the security state reflects our national ...
Mistress to an Age: A Life of Madame de Staël - J. Christopher Herold - Google Books
J. Christopher Herold vigorously tells the story of the fierce Madame de Stael, revealing her courageous opposition to Napoleon, her whirlwind affairs with the great intellectuals of her day, and her idealistic rebellion against all that was cynical,…
A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam - Neil Sheehan - Google Books
Outspoken, professional and fearless, Lt. Col. John Paul Vann went to Vietnam in 1962, full of confidence in America's might and right to prevail. He was soon appalled by the South Vietnamese troops' unwillingness to fight, by their random slaughter of…
WHITECONCEPTS - finding contexts for contemporary art
- kreiert spezielle Projekte in Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen KünstlerInnen und Institutionen - In close collaboration with artists WHITECONCEPTS is developing and organizing art projects
Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare - Philip Short - Google Books
A gripping and definitive portrait of the man who headed one of the most enigmatic and terrifying regimes of modern timesIn the three and a half years of Pol Pot's rule, more than a million Cambodians, a fifth of the country's population, were executed or…
Komische Oper Berlin - Clivia
Nico Dostal, Clivia, Operette in drei Akten (1933), Libretto von Charles Amberg und F. Maregg Musikalisches Arrangement von Kai Tietje, Besetzung: E. W. Potterton, Finanzmann aus Chicago: Stefan Kurt, Clivia Gray, Filmschauspielerin: Christoph Marti, Juan…
scientology religious-community "united states" recognized OR status 1993 - Google-Suche
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Learning Race and Ethnicity: Youth and Digital Media - Google Books
An exploration of how issues of race and ethnicity play out in a digital media landscape that includes MySpace, post-9/11 politics, MMOGs, Internet music distribution, and the digital divide. It may have been true once that (as the famous cartoon of the…