315 Ergebnisse für: tankers
Deutsche Afrika Linien / John T. Essberger Group of Companies - Home
The history of the privately owned Deutsche Afrika-Linien/John T. Essberger Group of Companies dates back to the year 1924 when the former Imperial Navy Officer, Commander John Theodor Essberger (1886-1959), established himself as a tanker shipowner in…
Shipyard De Hoop
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Eine Plattform auf der Daten, Artikel und Berichte rund um die Geschichte der Marine präsentiert werden.
Category:LUKOIL – Wikimedia Commons
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Infantry Weapons | Denel Land Systems
Denel Land Systems is renowned for providing high quality infantry weapons
The Last Battle: When U.S. and German Soldiers Joined Forces in the Waning ... - Stephen Harding - Google Books
SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTUREThe incredible story of the unlikeliest battle of World War II, when a small group of American soldiers joined forces with German soldiers to fight off fanatical SS troopsMay, 1945. Hitler is dead, the Third Reich is little…
Gekaperte "Longchamp": Deutsche Marine nennt Anti-Piraten-Mission Erfolg - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Kriegsschiffe aus 14 Nationen patrouillieren im Golf von Aden, dennoch kapern somalische Piraten mit einer neuen Taktik Schiffe. Der Kommandant der deutschen Fregatte "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" bezeichnet die EU-Mission "Atalanta" dennoch als Erfolg - auch…
The Lighthouses of Greece - Elinor De Wire, Dolores Reyes-Pergioudakis - Google Books
With thousands of islands adrift in cerulean waters and a long, labyrinthine coastline, Greeks have always traveled liquid highways. They built the world's first documented lighthouse at the Mediterranean port of Alexandria more than two-thousand years…
The Lighthouses of Greece - Elinor De Wire, Dolores Reyes-Pergioudakis - Google Books
With thousands of islands adrift in cerulean waters and a long, labyrinthine coastline, Greeks have always traveled liquid highways. They built the world's first documented lighthouse at the Mediterranean port of Alexandria more than two-thousand years…
The Lighthouses of Greece - Elinor De Wire, Dolores Reyes-Pergioudakis - Google Books
With thousands of islands adrift in cerulean waters and a long, labyrinthine coastline, Greeks have always traveled liquid highways. They built the world's first documented lighthouse at the Mediterranean port of Alexandria more than two-thousand years…