988 Ergebnisse für: jfk
Deep Politics and the Death of JFK - Peter Dale Scott - Google Books
Peter Dale Scott's meticulously documented investigation uncovers the secrets surrounding John F. Kennedy's assassination. Offering a wholly new perspective—that JFK's death was not just an isolated case, but rather a symptom of hidden processes—Scott…
JFK Kennedy shooting,Zapruder audiovideo.avi - YouTube
The Zapruder film has been added to the sound recorded by police in Dallas. This is a public domain video.
Spiegelwelten:Ozeanienkonflikt – Stupidedia
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"Vietnam War" "US" - Google-Suche
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Peter Lustig aus "Löwenzahn": Seine Karriere begann mit JFK - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Peter Lustig kennen alle als Erklär-Onkel der ZDF-Sendung "Löwenzahn". Seine Fernsehkarriere begann hinter der Kamera: Er hielt das Mikrofon bei Kennedys berühmtester Rede - war aber im entscheidenden Moment ziemlich abgelenkt.
Google Scholar
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Flugunfall 13 SEP 1970 einer Boeing 707-331B N8715T - Zerqa RAF Station (Dawson's Field)
A Boeing 707-331B passenger plane, registered N8715T, was damaged beyond repair in a hijacking at Zerqa RAF Station (Dawson's Field), Jordan. All crew members survived. The airplane operated on a flight from Frankfurt International Airport (FRA) to New…
Flugunfall 06 SEP 1970 einer Boeing 747-121 N752PA - Cairo International Airport (CAI)
A Boeing 747-121 passenger plane, registered N752PA, was damaged beyond repair in a hijacking at Cairo International Airport (CAI), Egypt. All crew members survived. The airplane operated on a flight from Amsterdam-Schiphol International Airport (AMS)…
JFK-Akten: Britische Zeitung erhielt anonymen Hinweis vor dem Attentat | ZEIT ONLINE
In den USA sind Teile der Geheimakten über den Mord an John F. Kennedy veröffentlicht worden. Sie bringen neue Erkenntnisse über das FBI und den britischen Geheimdienst.
Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and U.S. Political Culture - Noam Chomsky - Google Books
This book is a thorough analysis of John F. Kennedy's role in the U.S. invsion of Vietnam and a probing reflection of the elite political culture that allowed and ecouraged the Cold War.