4,776 Ergebnisse für: funding
Fatal Transactions.de
Ressource and conflict documentation page of the Bonn International Center for Conversion / Dokumentationsseite zu Ressourcen und Konflikten des internationalen Konversionszentrums Bonn
Hydrology/Sedimentation Specialist for Water Resources Management in Pyanj River Basin in Tajikistan | Devex
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Ranking.co.de - Ihr Ranking Shop
Global Rankings and the Geopolitics of Higher Education als eBook Download von, Searching and Ranking in Entity-Relationship Graphs als Buch von Gjergji Kasneci, Rankings and the Reshaping of Higher Education als Buch von E. Hazelkorn, PISA Ranking als…
Ab 13.8. im Kino - Toilet Stories - der Film
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Bronze Age Gold Road of the Balkans – Ada Tepe Mining
Die Österreichisch Akademie der Wissenschaft
Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn
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Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies - Pascal Hitzler, Markus Krotzsch, Sebastian Rudolph - Google Books
With more substantial funding from research organizations and industry, numerous large-scale applications, and recently developed technologies, the Semantic Web is quickly emerging as a well-recognized and important area of computer science. While Semantic…
"Tumentia Research" - Google-Suche
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