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Russian Air Task Force Uses KAB-1500L Guided Bombs to Attack Terrorist Facilities in Syria
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Turkey May Remove US Radar if F-35s Not Delivered on Schedule (excerpt)
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Letter to Parliament (excerpt)
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DAHER Group Confirms Signature of SOCATA Takeover Deal with EADS, with Acquisition of Majority 70% Stake
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Kazakhstan Paramount Engineering's Barys 8x8 APC (local version of Mbombe) Undergoing Winter Testing
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Lisa X - Achtjährige Gitarren-Virtuosin aus Japan könnte Metal retten | Das Filter
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▷ eToro-CEO begrüßt deutsche Startup-Delegation in Tel Aviv | Presseportal
eToro - Berlin/Tel Aviv (ots) - eToro, das weltweit führende Social Trading Netzwerk mit über 5 Millionen Mitgliedern aus 140 verschiedenen Ländern, hat im Rahmen der zweiten German Tel Aviv Week eine Delegation des Bundesverbandes ...
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Very long range global population scenarios to 2300 and the implications of sustained low fertility (Volume 28 - Article 39 | Pages 1145–1166)
Depending on whether the global level of fertility is assumed to converge to the current European TFR (~1.5) or that of Southeast Asia or Central America (~2.5), global population will either decline to 2.3-2.9 billion by 2200 or increase to 33-37 billion,
Fertility Reactions to the "Great Recession" in Europe: Recent Evidence from Order-Specific Data (Volume 29 - Article 4 | Pages 85–104)
This paper provides recent cross-national evidence of the impact of the great recession on fertility in Europe in the context of the recent decade.