2,440 Ergebnisse für: conservation

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    Featuring historical images and behind-the-sconces photographs, this video explores the the history and conservation process of the latest masterpiece to joi...

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    Contesting Conservation als eBook Download von Saloni Gupta, Tourism and Adventure Travel in the Himalayas and South Asia, Volume 1 als eBook Download von Jagmohan Negi, Ritushka, Gaurav Manoher, Der Konflikt um das ehemalige Fürstentum Jammu & Kaschmir…

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    Ady Gil after being rammed by the Shonan Maru ---- Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that engages in direct actio...

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    The cougar is one of the most beautiful, enigmatic, and majestic animals in the Americas. Eliciting reverence for its grace and independent nature, it also triggers fear when it comes into contact with people, pets, and livestock or competes for hunters’…

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    Die Bale-Berge sind der größte alpine Lebensraum auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. Die vielen endemischen Tier- und Pflanzenarten und die große Biodiversität machen die Bale-Berge so besonders.

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    Advances in Ecology Environment and Conservation Research and Application / 2012 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ eBook that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Ecology Environment and Conservation. The editors have built…

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    Bertrand Lavédrine, Director of the CRCC, Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections, Paris Dr. Stefan Horsthemke, Managing Director, AXA Art Ge...

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    *** Winner of Nature Conservation Award Germany 2013 *** | This short film features the beauty of the unique wildlife and nature in the Black Forest as well ...

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    This is one of the first books to account for the emergence of transfrontier conservation in Africa against international experiences in bioregional planning.

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    Der Lärm seismischer Untersuchungen bei der Suche nach Öl wirkt sich negativ auf Meereslebewesen aus – so das Ergebnis eines neuen Berichts der Marine Conservation Research.

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