3,628 Ergebnisse für: concern
The New Oxford Book of Carols: Paperback - Google Books
Music and texts of 201 carols for the Christmas season (many in more than one setting), each with copious notes on historical background and performance. An extensive general introduction gives an overview of the history of the carol, and there are a…
Purser.co.de - Ihr Purser Shop
Dreifache lange Brieftasche - Leder nähen Pack, *Envelope-Closure Wallet, Eco Classic Black - O My Bag*, * Tobi´s Wallet, Eco Camel- O My Bag *, *Miss Moneypenny, Multi-Use Purse Eco Camel - O My Bag*, Green and Blue Embroidered Leather Coin Wallet,
Handbook of Data on Common Organic Compounds - David R. Lide, G.W.A. Milne - Google Books
The Handbook of Data on Common Organic Compounds provides physical property data, spectral data, and chemical structures for approximately 12,000 common organic compounds. These compounds encompass the most commonly used both in industry and laboratories,…
Handbook of data on common organic compounds - David R. Lide, George W. A. Milne - Google Books
The Handbook of Data on Common Organic Compounds provides physical property data, spectral data, and chemical structures for approximately 12,000 common organic compounds. These compounds encompass the most commonly used both in industry and laboratories,…
Handbook of Data on Common Organic Compounds - David R. Lide, G.W.A. Milne - Google Books
The Handbook of Data on Common Organic Compounds provides physical property data, spectral data, and chemical structures for approximately 12,000 common organic compounds. These compounds encompass the most commonly used both in industry and laboratories,…
The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview - Google Books
The position of the 19 million Kurds is an extremely complex one. Their territory is divided between 5 sovereign states, none of which have a Kurdish majority. They speak widely divergent dialects, and are also divided by religious affiliations and social…
Language and Colonial Power: The Appropriation of Swahili in the Former ... - Johannes Fabian - Google Books
In this study, inquiry will be directed to the past, and it will, for many reasons, have to reach into a past which is rather remote from present-day Shaba Swahili. The author's principal concern remains with a contemporary situation, namely the role of…
Religions in Antiquity: Essays in Memory of Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough - Google Books
"These essays were originally intended for presentation to Professor Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Before his death, in March, 1965, he knew of our plans for this volume and was gladdened by them.... The…
Health, Hygiene, and Eugenics in Southeastern Europe to 1945 - Google Books
This volume is a collection of chapters that deal with issues of health, hygiene and eugenics in Southeastern Europe to 1945, specifically, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Romania. Its major concern is to examine the transfer of…
Homepage | Fachverband Elektronik-Design (FED) e.V.
Ihr Fachverband für Design, Leiterplatten- und Elektronikfertigung ist Partner für die gesamte Elektronikindustrie. FED Elektronik-Design Leiterplattendesign.de Leiterplattendesign.org Zertifizierter Elektronikdesigner ZED Leiterplattendesigner…