72 Ergebnisse für: assassinate
Traditionspflege in der Bundeswehr, 03.10.2005 (Friedensratschlag)
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Wirtschaft, Politik und Freiheit: Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und ... - Google Books
English summary: The opposition of Freiburg scholars and church groups to the Nazi regime has been firmly established in literature concerning the Resistance under the term 'Freiburger Kreise' (Freiburg circles.). Of special significance in these circles…
Osmanisches Reich: Die Karriere dieses Sultans erinnert fatal an Erdogan - WELT
Als Abdülhamid II. 1876 auf den Thron der Osmanen gelangte, galt er als Hoffnungsfigur. Doch bald entpuppte er sich als autoritärer Herrscher, der gegen die Opposition mit brutalen Mitteln vorging.
Wirtschaft, Politik und Freiheit: Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und ... - Google Books
English summary: The opposition of Freiburg scholars and church groups to the Nazi regime has been firmly established in literature concerning the Resistance under the term 'Freiburger Kreise' (Freiburg circles.). Of special significance in these circles…
Civil War Days & Those Surnames: Captain Robert Cobb Kennedy, Burning New York
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Wirtschaft, Politik und Freiheit: Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und ... - Google Books
English summary: The opposition of Freiburg scholars and church groups to the Nazi regime has been firmly established in literature concerning the Resistance under the term 'Freiburger Kreise' (Freiburg circles.). Of special significance in these circles…
Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States - Trita Parsi - Google Books
In this era of super-heated rhetoric and vitriolic exchanges between the leaders of Iran and Israel, the threat of nuclear violence looms. But the real roots of the enmity between the two nations mystify Washington policymakers, and no promising pathways…
Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States - Trita Parsi - Google Books
In this era of super-heated rhetoric and vitriolic exchanges between the leaders of Iran and Israel, the threat of nuclear violence looms. But the real roots of the enmity between the two nations mystify Washington policymakers, and no promising pathways…
Wirtschaft, Politik und Freiheit: Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und ... - Google Books
English summary: The opposition of Freiburg scholars and church groups to the Nazi regime has been firmly established in literature concerning the Resistance under the term 'Freiburger Kreise' (Freiburg circles.). Of special significance in these circles…
Wirtschaft, Politik und Freiheit: Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und ... - Google Books
English summary: The opposition of Freiburg scholars and church groups to the Nazi regime has been firmly established in literature concerning the Resistance under the term 'Freiburger Kreise' (Freiburg circles.). Of special significance in these circles…