1,646 Ergebnisse für: Punktes

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    Filtered containment venting systems (FCVS) Iodine retention in aqueous solutions (FCVS, pool scrubbing) Aerosol transport and removal (DIANA facility) Two-phase flow hydrodynamics in the TRISTAN and ISOLDE facilities Reflux condensation in the…

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    Das Paul Scherrer Institut PSI ist das grösste Forschungszentrum für Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften in der Schweiz. Wir betreiben Spitzenforschung in den Bereichen Materie und Material, Mensch und Gesundheit sowie Energie und Umwelt. Durch Grundlagen-…

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    PSI-Forschende haben die 3-D-Anordnung der „winzigen magnetischen Kompassnadeln“ im Innern eines Materials abgebildet.

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    Filtered containment venting systems (FCVS) Iodine retention in aqueous solutions (FCVS, pool scrubbing) Aerosol transport and removal (DIANA facility) Two-phase flow hydrodynamics in the TRISTAN and ISOLDE facilities Reflux condensation in the…

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    Duration: 2018 Contact: Julia Schmale, julia.schmale@psi.ch

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    Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

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    The Technology Assessment group is part of the multi-disciplinary Laboratory for Energy systems Analysis (LEA) at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and is the continuation of the former GaBE Project. Technology Assessment incorporates a comprehensive range…

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    The Technology Assessment group is part of the multi-disciplinary Laboratory for Energy systems Analysis (LEA) at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and is the continuation of the former GaBE Project. Technology Assessment incorporates a comprehensive range…

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    The Technology Assessment group is part of the multi-disciplinary Laboratory for Energy systems Analysis (LEA) at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and is the continuation of the former GaBE Project. Technology Assessment incorporates a comprehensive range…

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    The Technology Assessment group is part of the multi-disciplinary Laboratory for Energy systems Analysis (LEA) at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and is the continuation of the former GaBE Project. Technology Assessment incorporates a comprehensive range…

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