199 Ergebnisse für: uavs
Lehrstuhl für Luftfahrtsysteme: Lehrstuhlgeschichte
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JAGM: Joint Air-Ground Missile Again
A recent decision by the Pentagon to cut the Joint Common Missile (JCM) program in order to fund operations in Iraq has triggered a counter-campaign by Alabama Senators and Representatives, and created a controversy over the future of the program. In May…
Leading Systems Amber
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Behörden Spiegel - Fragen zu "Euro Hawk" unerwünscht!
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Behörden Spiegel - Fragen zu "Euro Hawk" unerwünscht!
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Maiden Flight of AN-158 Has Been Fulfilled without Problems
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BCTM/E-IBCT: FCS Spinout Ramps up, Then Breaks Up
Concerns about cost overruns, vehicle design, and contract structure prompted the Pentagon to cancel the US Army's Future Combat System (FCS) program in June
In Bayern soll es einen dritten Nationalpark geben, neben den beiden Nationalparken im Bayerischen Wald und im Berchtesgadener Land. Das Umweltministerium wird die Möglichkeiten für einen dritten Nationalpark in Bayern umfassend prüfen und setzt dabei auf…
AGS: NATO's Battlefield Eye In The Sky (defense acquisition, defence purchasing, military procurement)
(click to view full) Northrop Grumman's E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (J-STARS) uses powerful ground-looking SAR radars mounted on a Boeing 707-300 airframe, in order to give American commanders outstanding battlefield surveillance and…