290 Ergebnisse für: theorems
DigiZeitschriften: Inhaltsverzeichnis
DigiZeitschriften - Das deutsche digitale Zeitschriftenarchiv - stellt deutsche Kernzeitschriften von großer wissenschaftlicher Bedeutung für den direkten Nutzerzugriff über das WWW bereit. Die Zeitschriften stammen aus folgenden Fachgebieten: Anglistik,…
Modal Logic: An Introduction - Brian F. Chellas - Google Books
A textbook on modal logic, intended for readers already acquainted with the elements of formal logic, containing nearly 500 exercises. Brian F. Chellas provides a systematic introduction to the principal ideas and results in contemporary treatments of…
Derivation.co.de - Ihr Derivation Shop
Nominalization via Verbal Derivation als eBook Download von Shimelis Mazengia, Genus, Derivation und Quantifikation als eBook Download von Martina Werner, Toponymics or Derivations From Local Names in English als Buch von Gösta Langenfelt, The…
Real and Abstract Analysis: A Modern Treatment of the Theory of Functions of ... - Edwin Hewitt, Karl Stromberg - Google Books
This book is first of all designed as a text for the course usually called "theory of functions of a real variable". This course is at present cus tomarily offered as a first or second year graduate course in United States universities, although there are…
Abstract Algebra: An Inquiry Based Approach - Jonathan K. Hodge, Steven Schlicker, Ted Sundstrom - Google Books
To learn and understand mathematics, students must engage in the process of doing mathematics. Emphasizing active learning, Abstract Algebra: An Inquiry-Based Approach not only teaches abstract algebra but also provides a deeper understanding of what…
A Course of Modern Analysis - E. T. Whittaker, G. N. Watson - Google Books
This classic text has entered and held the field as the standard book on the applications of analysis to the transcendental functions. The authors explain the methods of modern analysis in the first part of the book and then proceed to a detailed…
A Course of Modern Analysis - E. T. Whittaker, G. N. Watson - Google Books
This classic text has entered and held the field as the standard book on the applications of analysis to the transcendental functions. The authors explain the methods of modern analysis in the first part of the book and then proceed to a detailed…