2,780 Ergebnisse für: spaces
Category:Green spaces in Paris – Wikimedia Commons
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Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature - Martin R. Bridson, André Häfliger - Google Books
The purpose of this book is to describe the global properties of complete simply connected spaces that are non-positively curved in the sense of A. D. Alexandrov and to examine the structure of groups that act properly on such spaces by isometries. Thus…
Quantum Measures and Spaces - Gudrun Kalmbach - Google Books
This book has evolved from lectures and seminars given by the author at different academic institutions during the years 1983-1998. It can be divided into four parts. Noncommutative measure theory is the theme of the first part of the book. The relevant…
Weder Ost noch wirklich West - taz.de
PERFORMANCE Die Tanzfabrik wurde zum Tanzproduzenten und die Weddinger Uferstudios werden mehr und mehr zum Place to be. Das neue Format „Open Spaces“ ist programmatisch für den Ort
Thomas Battenstein. Lines and Spaces
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DAAD-Freundeskreis e.V. - The Alumni Association of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
An alumni association that is special: DAAD-alumni organize a lively programme of cultural events for DAAD-fellows and create spaces for a vivid intercultural exchange within Germany.
Was macht Coworking Spaces beliebt? | Deskmag | Coworking
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"Zuschauerräume" ("Spectator Spaces" "მაყურებელთა დარბაზები") - YouTube
Ein Film von Marika Lapauri-Burk und Niko Tarielaschwili Idee, Konzept: Marika Lapauri-Burk Szenenbild, Foto: Gia Lapauri Musik: Dato Malazonia Redaktion: Ma...
Ningbo.de - Ihr Ningbo Shop
Funktionaler Strahler Ningbo in Aluminium schwarz und Edelstahl, China´s Local Entrepreneurial State and New Urban Spaces als Buch von Han Zhang, Application of Two Different Weather Typing Procedures als Buch von Ningbo Jiang, Large-Scale Wind Power…
Goetheanum and surrounding buildings in Dornach Switzerland lovely architecture - YouTube
Architecture does not always have to look like a box. Here the eye can feast on curves and hollow spaces as well windows that have a relationship to one anot...