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German Rock Lexikon - Band-Index Visual Kei
Both homepage of the 'German Rock e.V.' and Encyclopedia on German rock bands
Woody Haut's Blog: Noir On Horseback: Flint by Arnold Hano
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Zana Ramadani (2): Weiße Mädchen kapern Femen – DIE ACHSE DES GUTEN. ACHGUT.COM
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News - May 2002 -
News - May 2002: May 31, 2002 MINDGRINDER from Norway have been signed by Sound Riot Productions. The band features Mr.Cosmocrator (ZYKLON, SOURCE OF TIDE). The debut album is planned to be recorded in Akkerhaugen Lydstudios and mastered at Strype studios…
Defining Serial Murder
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Rezension zu: S. Erpel (Hrsg.): Im Gefolge der SS | H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften | Geschichte im Netz | History in the web
Rezension zu / Review of: Erpel, Simone: Im Gefolge der SS: Aufseherinnen des Frauen-KZ Ravensbrück. Begleitband zur Ausstellung
Glenn Greenwald auf Twitter: "The editor @TheAtlantic worked as a prison guard in a notorious Israeli camp that detained Palestinians; did more than any other journalist to deceive Americans into believing Saddam & AQ had an alliance; and is a vehement defender of Israeli aggression. That also seems bad.…"
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"She Wore Blue Velvet" by James McGuire
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News: Bill to lower voting age to 17 goes to House floor
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.