100 Ergebnisse für: resonate

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    The Classic Heartwood Kenken Dunun Bell Set from Africa Heartwood Project are hand crafted by blacksmiths in Togo. Made of recycled metal using traditional f...

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    Closing scene of Tony Gatlif's stunning film, Latcho Drom (Safe journey in Romany), following the journey, music and culture of the Roma from their genesis i...

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    ASCAP writer-producer Walter Afanasieff has won multiple Grammys and written and/or produced some of the best-selling singles of all time, including Celine D...

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    Das Gedicht 25. Zeitschrift /Jahrbuch für Lyrik, Essay und Kritik / Religion im Gedicht, The Sound of Gospel (+Cd) : for Trumpet in B (Euphonium) -, Pirata: The Pirate Chief (eBook, ePUB), Thanksgiving Breakfast: You Can Go Home Again Volume 1 ,…

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    On the afternoon of 7 June 1944, Lorne Brown, a private serving with the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division in Normandy, was bayoneted to death while trying to surrender to troops of Nazi Germany's Tlite 12th SS Division 'Hitler Youth.' Over the next ten days,…

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    Dear Popples is a simple book. It has no clever sentences. No literary tricks. Not even a trailblazing plot. What is has - is Truth. In good measure. Written in the form of letters to her beloved Popples, whom she helped save from one of the most…

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    After enjoying years as a popular journalist and poet, intellectual and freethinker Gerald Massey turned his vast studies in the field of Egyptology into A Book of the Beginnings, a bold statement that the origin of all civilization lays in ancient Egypt.…

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    This collection of 15 chronologically arranged papers is the first-ever definitive treatment of the intellectual history of Eskimology—known today as Inuit studies—the field of anthropology preoccupied with the origins, history, and culture of the Inuit…

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    Force of Domesticity als eBook Download von Rhacel Salazar Parrenas, Making Home in Diasporic Communities als eBook Download von Diane Sabenacio Nititham, Plum Rains, Estou aprendendo tagalo: Ouça. Repita. Fale., Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 259min, Die…

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    La demeure mystérieuse: Arsène Lupin 39, Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 193min, How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 635min, Auferstehung - Resurrection als Buch von, The Cross , Hörbuch, Digital, 1,…

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