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Blue-tongued Skink (Tiliqua scincoides) Moving on Clay Track - YouTube
This Blue-tongued Skink was used for experimental track production. Because of its special belly-dragging locomotion, which is reflected in claw scratches an...
Vorlesung Innovationen verändern die Welt, WNB6, Wintersemester 2008/09
Aufzeichnungen der Vorlesung Innovationen verändern die Welt
Miscellanea naturalia,: sive dissertationes variæ ad historiam naturalem ... - Adrian Hardy Haworth - Google Books
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Zika virus conspiracy theory - Business Insider Deutschland
Let's squash this ridiculous bug.
Mammal Species of the World - Browse: Rhizomyinae
Mammal Species of the World: Information on Rhizomyinae
Greek Religion: Archaic and Classical - Walter Burkert - Google Books,M1
This is the first major synthesis of Greek religion to appear for a generation. A clearly structured and readable survey for classical scholars and students, it will also be generally welcomed as the best modern account of any polytheistic religious…
Muzică secuiască și țigănească autentică - DUDUJ ROZALIA - Authentic Sekler and Gypsy Music - YouTube
Duduj Rozália (aged 71 years in 2011) comes from a Gypsy fiddlers family. She plays the gardon Hungarian (Sekler) and Gypsy traditional songs. The gardon (hi...
SITHLORD: Not exactly a new release as it was issued in Australia back in 2000, but due to the fact that the band is currently putting the final touches to their forthcoming album (on Barbarian Wrath Records in Germany) and considering the quality of the…
- - Ihr Bonobos Shop
Wildlife Edition: Im Königreich der Affen auf DVD, Spirit Animals: Das Dunkle kehrt zurück, Band 8, Warum wir es tun, wie wir es tun, Mama´s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us About Ourselves , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 638min, Lucy , Hörbuch,…
Ferris Wheels: An Illustrated History - Norman D. Anderson - Google Books
"But the story does not begin or end with the star attraction at the Columbian Exposition. The idea of the Ferris wheel may be as old as the water wheel and written descriptions and drawings of pleasure wheels go back at least four centuries. And during…