165 Ergebnisse für: mutually
USRAEL israel - Google-Suche
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"david ray griffin" - Google-Suche
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Slave Portraiture in the Atlantic World - Google Books
Slave Portraiture in the Atlantic World is the first book to focus on the individualized portrayal of enslaved people from the time of Europe's full engagement with plantation slavery in the late sixteenth century to its final official abolition in Brazil…
Facts on the Ground: Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning ... - Nadia Abu El-Haj - Google Books
Archaeology in Israel is truly a national obsession, a practice through which national identity—and national rights—have long been asserted. But how and why did archaeology emerge as such a pervasive force there? How can the practices of archaeology help…
Advertising Culture and Translation: From Colonial to Global - Google Books
This book is the first comprehensive study combining and integrating advertising, culture and translation within the framework of colonial, Commonwealth, and postcolonial studies, and globalization. It addresses a number of controversial issues evident in…
Sacred Texts and Burried Treasures: Issues in the Historical Archaeology of ... - William Wayne Farris - Google Books
Sacred Texts and Buried Treasures offers substantial new insights into early Japanese history (A.D. 100-800) through an integrated discussion of historical texts and archaeological artifacts. It contends that the rich archaeological discoveries of the past…
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS): Who is IESP?
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Ausverkauf von biologischen Ressourcen und traditionellem Wissen
Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, Für Menschenrechte: Weltweit. Menschenrechtsorganisation für ethnische und religiöse Minderheiten und Nationalitäten mit beratendem Status beim Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der Vereinten Nationen und mitwirkendem Status beim…
The Weissenberg Effect - YouTube
When a rod mounted in a hand drill is dipped into a liquid and rotated, for certain non-Newtonian fluids the liquid will climb the rod - sometimes to quite s...
Secure Distributed Programming with Object-capabilities in JavaScript (Mark S. Miller, Google) - YouTube
This is talk 1/2 in a Lecture Series on Web Security by Google Research Scientist Mark S. Miller. It took place on October 6th at the Vrije Universiteit Brus...