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Important2,372 Ergebnisse für: importance
Red Dot Design Award: Alex – Ein Ratgeber für brandverletzte Jugendliche Alex – Guide for youth with burn injuries
The guidebook “Alex” allows young victims of burn injuries to inform themselves about their injuries, their upcoming treatments, and the importance of each step of their physical and mental rehabilitation after the accident. ...
Women Artists in Interwar France: Framing Femininities - Paula Birnbaum - Google Ksi±¿ki
This work illuminates the importance of the Societe des femmes artists modernes, more commonly known as FAM, and returns this group to its proper place in the history of modern art."
Memory as a macroscopic ordered state
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Schon Oscar Wilde wusste: "Ernst ist das Leben" -
Im fünften Jahr der Intendanz von Michael Sturminger bringen die Sommerspiele Perchtoldsdorf Oscar Wildes berühmtestes Stück „The Importance of Being Earnest“ in der Bearbeitung von Nobelpreisträgerin Elfriede Jelinek auf die Bühne.
A History of Finnish Literature - Jaakko Ahokas, Jaakko A. Ahokas - Google Books
Part of a series that offers mainly linguistic and anthropological research and teaching/learning material on a region of great cultural and strategic interest and importance in the post-Soviet era.
A History of Finnish Literature - Jaakko Ahokas, Jaakko A. Ahokas - Google Books
Part of a series that offers mainly linguistic and anthropological research and teaching/learning material on a region of great cultural and strategic interest and importance in the post-Soviet era.
Terrestrischer und submariner Permafrost in der Arktis - Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
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A History of Finnish Literature - Jaakko Ahokas, Jaakko A. Ahokas - Google Books
Part of a series that offers mainly linguistic and anthropological research and teaching/learning material on a region of great cultural and strategic interest and importance in the post-Soviet era.
- - Ihr Bric A Brac Shop
Clesse, Aude : Bric à brac : für 2 Trompeten, Horn in F, Posaune und Tuba : Partitur und Stimmen, Spring at Lavender Bay: Lavender Bay, Book 1 , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 465min, E-Book Leni Pepunkt 119 BRIC-no-BRAC.jacke, Literary Bric-a-Brac and the…
Ajvar Tonči Madre Badessa cultural identity OR meaning OR significance OR importance - Google-Suche
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