29,406 Ergebnisse für: german
Deutsche Bankiers des 20. Jahrhunderts - Hans Pohl, Thorsten Beckers, Institut für Bankhistorische Forschung. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat - Google Books
Thirty concise biographies of German bankers of the 20th century. German text.
Hochseeflotte Ships
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), Hochseeflotte Ships, The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), Hochseeflotte Ships
Scrifis im ZDF - YouTube
German Rock Band of the 80's playing in German TV - ZDF - Studio Hamburg
Asian German Studies | H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften | Geschichte im Netz | History in the web
Call for Papers: "Asian German Studies" The German Studies Association Conference October 8 - 11, 2009 Washington, D.C. Dear Colleagues, For the past few years the German Studies Association (GSA) has been an important forum for scholarly efforts…
Marsch nach Melodien des Königs von Hannover - YouTube
German military march
Marsch des Infanterie-Regiments Jung Bornstedt - YouTube
German military march