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Geomorphologie877 Ergebnisse für: geomorphology
Category:Glaciers of Austria – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Priele – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Islands of Argentina – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Flooding of the Nile – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Canal banks – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Islands of South Carolina – Wikimedia Commons
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Glossary of Geology - Klaus K. E. Neuendorf, American Geological Institute - Google Books
The fifth edition of the Glossary of Geology contains nearly 40,000 entries, including 3.600 new terms and nearly 13,000 entries with revised definitions from the previous edition. In addition to definitions, many entries include background information and…
Glossary of Geology - Klaus K. E. Neuendorf, American Geological Institute - Google Books
The fifth edition of the Glossary of Geology contains nearly 40,000 entries, including 3.600 new terms and nearly 13,000 entries with revised definitions from the previous edition. In addition to definitions, many entries include background information and…
Dictionary geotechnical engineering - Herbert Bucksch - Google Books
Die beiden B nde des W rterbuchs GeoTechnik enthalten zusammen etwa 140.000 Eintragungen. Zu jedem Stichwort werden gebr uchliche Synonyme aufgef hrt. Zum besseren Verst ndnis finden sich unter einigen Stichw rtern zus tzliche Erl uterungen. Neben…