85 Ergebnisse für: Betel
Betelnut Girls 檳榔西施 Taiwan - YouTube
Teaser for a documentary on the unique betelnut culture (檳榔西施) in Taiwan - slightly expanded from the version posted here before. Also see my Flickr gallery ...
Category:Mizoram – Wikimedia Commons
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Ingo BOTT - Pedepsirea penală a persoanelor juridice - YouTube
Conferinta privind aspecte de practică neunitară intervenite de la intrarea în vigoare a Noului Cod penal şi Noului Cod de procedură penală, Bucureşti, 22 – ...
Category:Bengali people – Wikimedia Commons
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JEROBEAM I.König des Nordreiches
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TV-Reportage & Diskussion - WDR Wissen
Mit WDR Wissen sind Sie immer bestens informiert, ob über Geschichte, Kultur, Naturwissenschaft oder Politik. Dazu gibt es bei WDR Wissen jede Menge Videos, Audios, Podcasts, Aktionen und Spiele.
They Make Themselves: Work and Play Among the Baining of Papua New Guinea - Jane Fajans - Google Books
For generations of anthropologists, the Baining people have presented a challenge, because of their apparent lack of cultural or social structure. This group of small-scale horticulturists seems devoid of the complex belief systems and social practices…
The Pentecost Pilgrimage from Sumuleu-Ciuc - Pelerinajul de Rusalii (Romania, 2013) - YouTube
2013 Csíksomlyói zarándoklat - Pünkösdi Búcsú Pelerinajul de la Şumuleu-Ciuc are o tradiţie de 446 de ani, fiind considerat cel mai mare din Europa Centrală ...
Category:Crocodylus porosus – Wikimedia Commons
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Bukarest - Reiseführer Informationen - Baptistengemeindenin,Kirchen in Bukarest
Bukarest Info - Baptistengemeinden,Kirchen in Bukarest