4,428 Ergebnisse für: viral
Landtagswahl Bayern: Interview zum Anti-AfD-Song „Mia ned“ mit Roland Hefter | Politik
Kurz vor der Landtagswahl geht ein Lied viral, dass der AfD Stimmen kosten würde. „Mia ned“ heißt es. Wir haben Liedermacher Roland Hefter interviewt.
WOW: Trump Fails Basic Literacy Test - YouTube
--Since our story on Donald Trump's reading ability went viral last week, new video evidence has been uncovered of Trump's body language when presented with ...
Magician Head Dropping Prank on The Today Show - YouTube
Magician Rich Ferguson caught the attention of The Today Show staff for his viral video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsL_JDtVbww Matt Lauer and Savannah G...
Eingekochtes Wasser: Dieses ayurvedische Rezept geht gerade viral - Panorama - derwesten.de
Von Power-Smoothies bis Superfood – im Netz kursieren so einige Tipps, die gesund, schön und schlank machen sollen. Gerade geht ein ayurvedisches Rezept viral: Eingekochtes Wasser.
WikiStage - YouTube
We make knowledge go viral - WikiStage is a video platform for sharing knowledge and Ideas for Change. It is a collaborative non-profit project of people aro...
Communist tells of atrocious tortures on Maidan - YouTube
The leader of Lviv Communists, Rostislav Vasilko, told of brutal torture by protesters in Ukraine. This is the man, whose photo went viral on the Internet an...
Eingekochtes Wasser: Dieses ayurvedische Rezept geht gerade viral - Panorama - derwesten.de
Von Power-Smoothies bis Superfood – im Netz kursieren so einige Tipps, die gesund, schön und schlank machen sollen. Gerade geht ein ayurvedisches Rezept viral: Eingekochtes Wasser.
Soldier executing a wounded Palestinian lying on the ground after being stabbed soldier - YouTube
a video of a soldier executing an injured Palestinian in Hebron went viral. The Israeli army claimed, according to the PNN, that the soldier was suspended, a...
WikiStage - YouTube
We make knowledge go viral - WikiStage is a video platform for sharing knowledge and Ideas for Change. It is a collaborative non-profit project of people aro...
This video was originally released on May 7, 2012, on the one year anniversary of my partner Tom Bridegroom's tragic death. It quickly went viral and led to ...