66 Ergebnisse für: superiors
Stalin's American Spy: Noel Field, Allen Dulles and the East European Show ... - Tony Sharp - Google Books
Stalin's American Spy tells the remarkable story of Noel Field, a Soviet agent in the US State Department in the mid-1930s. Lured to Prague in May 1949, he was kidnapped and handed over to the Hungarian secret police. Tortured by them and interrogated too…
At the Far Reaches of Empire: The Life of Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra - Freeman M. Tovell - Google Books
Capitán de Navío Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra was the most important Spanish naval officer on the Northwest Coast in the eighteenth century. Serving from 1774 to 1794, he participated in the search for the Northwest Passage and, with George…
At the Far Reaches of Empire: The Life of Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra - Freeman M. Tovell - Google Books
Capitán de Navío Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra was the most important Spanish naval officer on the Northwest Coast in the eighteenth century. Serving from 1774 to 1794, he participated in the search for the Northwest Passage and, with George…
Twilight in the Kingdom: Understanding the Saudis - Mark A. Caudill - Google Books
Among the intelligence failures that came to light after the attacks of September 11, there was one that did not result from the failures of spying, decoding secret messages, or interagency communication. Rather, it arose merely from not paying sufficient…
Doowopheaven: The Ikettes (2) aka The Mirettes
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1. Kärntner Fischereimuseum – Wikipedia
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Candace Owens auf Twitter: "The entire premise of #metoo is that women are stupid, weak & inconsequential. Too stupid to know what men might want if you come to their hotel room late at night. Too weak to turn around and tell someone not to touch your ass again. Too inconsequential to realize this."
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P. José Xifré, Mitgründer und Generaloberer | Claretiner Missionare
Er ist am 18. Februar 1817 in Vic (Provinz Barcelona, Spanien) geboren. 1829 trat er in seiner Heimatstadt ins Seminar ein. Die Priesterweihe empfing er am 16. Februar 1840 in Rom. Er war einer der Mitgründer der Kongregation der Missionare und wurde am…
P. Esteban Sala, Mitgründer und erster Generaloberer | Claretiner Missionare
Esteban Sala y Masnou ist am 28. Mai 1812 im Bauernhaus Sala geboren, das zu der Pfarrei San Martín de Sescors (Provinz Barcelona) gehört. Sein Vater war von seiner ersten Frau verwitwet, mit der er drei Kinder hatte. Esteban ging aus der zweiten Ehe…