51 Ergebnisse für: jt3d
Flugunfall 04 DEC 1974 einer Douglas DC-8-55F PH-MBH - Maskeliya
A Douglas DC-8-55F passenger plane, registered PH-MBH, was destroyed in an accident at Maskeliya, Sri Lanka. There were 182 passengers and nine crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from Surabaya-Juanda Airport (SUB) to…
Flugunfall 13 DEC 2002 einer McDonnell Douglas DC-8-62F N1804 - Singapore-Changi Airport (SIN)
A McDonnell Douglas DC-8-62F cargo plane, registered N1804, was damaged beyond repair in a landing accident at Singapore-Changi Airport (SIN), Singapore. All one passenger and three crew members survived. The airplane operated on a flight from Tokyo-Yokota…
Flugunfall 17 SEP 1965 einer Boeing 707-121B N708PA - Chances Peak
A Boeing 707-121B passenger plane, registered N708PA, was destroyed in an accident at Chances Peak, Montserrat. There were 21 passengers and nine crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from Fort de France-Lamentin Airport (FDF) to…
Flugunfall 08 SEP 1974 einer Boeing 707-331B N8734 - Cephalonia, Greece
A Boeing 707-331B passenger plane, registered N8734, was destroyed in a criminal occurrence 93 km W off Cephalonia, Greece, Mediterranean Sea. There were 79 passengers and nine crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from…
Flugunfall 26 JUL 1979 einer Boeing 707-330C D-ABUY - Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport, RJ (GIG)
A Boeing 707-330C cargo plane, registered D-ABUY, was damaged beyond repair in an accident 25 km N of Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport, RJ (GIG), Brazil. There were three crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from Rio de…
Boeing B 707 RE - Projekt "Re-Engined" zum Umbau alter Boeing 707
Boeing B 707 RE: Diese Boeing 707-300 "Re-Engined" mit 4 neuen Pratt & Whitney (P&W) JT8D-219 Triebwerken hat ein Flugtestprogramm begonnen, um das beliebteste kommerzielle Düsentriebwerk der Welt auf alten Boeing 707 einzusetzen.
Flugunfall 07 OCT 1979 einer McDonnell Douglas DC-8-62 HB-IDE - Athens-Ellinikon International Airport (ATH)
A McDonnell Douglas DC-8-62 passenger plane, registered HB-IDE, was destroyed in a landing accident at Athens-Ellinikon International Airport (ATH), Greece. There were 142 passengers and crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from…
Flugunfall 04 JUL 1966 einer Douglas DC-8-52 ZK-NZB - Auckland International Airport (AKL)
A Douglas DC-8-52 plane, registered ZK-NZB, was damaged beyond repair in a take-off accident at Auckland International Airport (AKL), New Zealand. There were five crew members on board. The airplane operated on a local flight out of Auckland International…
Die interessante Geschichte der Boeing 707 aus dem Film "Delta Force" | Austrian Wings
[picture] Vor wenigen Tagen kündigten wir in einem TV-Tipp die Ausstrahlung des Films "Delta Force" an, in dem die Ereignisse rund um die wahre Geschichte der Entführung von Flug TWA 847 dargestellt werden. Als Flugzeug dient in diesem Film eine Boeing…
Flugunfall 12 DEC 1985 einer McDonnell Douglas DC-8-63CF N950JW - Gander Airport, NL (YQX)
A McDonnell Douglas DC-8-63CF passenger plane, registered N950JW, was destroyed in an accident 1 km SW of Gander Airport, NL (YQX), Canada. There were 248 passengers and eight crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from Gander Airport,…