74 Ergebnisse für: eventide
English, 14th c., arr. David Willcocks: Angelus ad Virginem (Church of the Advent Choir) - YouTube
English, 14th c., arr. David Willcocks: Angelus ad Virginem The Choir of the Church of the Advent, Boston Edith Ho, director Mark Dwyer, organist Painting: E...
Junge Bläserphilharmonie erntet stehende Ovationen in der Landesmusikakademie : Musikalisches Spiel mit dem Publikum - Nienborg - Westfälische Nachrichten
Die schon traditionellen Konzerte der Jungen Bläserphilharmonie in der Landesmusikakademie (LMA) zum Abschluss einer intensiven Probenphase locken Publikum aus nah und fern. Am vergangenen ...
Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway - Battison & O4 Double Head - 08/10/2011 - YouTube
Diesel locomotive No. 5 'Battison', double heads with No. 6284 on the final run of the day as the two leave Lakeside station. Battison has just left the work...
Marco Antonio Ingegneri: O bone Jesu (formerly attributed to Palestrina) - YouTube
The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford David Crown (conductor) Somerville College Chapel, Oxford 13 May 2012 Website: http://www.somervillechoir.com Faceboo...
King's College Cambridge 2005 #4 In the Bleak Midwinter Gustav Holst - YouTube
#kingscollegechoir Please follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SpiritdeiMusic/ Easter from King's is available to download in HD from www.kingscoll...
STUDIO eMAGAZIN - Studio Magazin
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Koschu Music Group - Musikproduktion, Label, Verlag, Vertrieb, Künstlermanagement, Promotion - Backstage PRO
Gelegen im sonnigen Süden Österreichs bieten wir die ideale Location um musikalischer Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen. Durch jahrelange Erfahrung und Freude an der Musik, stehen wir als kompeten ...
Star Carol - John Rutter - YouTube
VSO & Chorale on Dec. 5, 2009 Concert at McAllen Civic Center. The Valley Symphony Chorale is directed by Dr. Christopher Munn.
Child in a manger by John Rutter - YouTube
Christmas 2009 - Canadian Reformed Church Langley BC Canada- "Child in a manger" by John Rutter
Jesus Child - John Rutter (Christmas 2011) - YouTube
Jesus Child by John Rutter Fraser Valley Young Adults Choir December 17 2011 Langley Canadian Reformed Church. Director: Frank Ezinga, Piano: Vanessa Rook Pu...