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Persistence10,564 Ergebnisse für: persistent
Obama Kills Fly During Interview - YouTube Said Obama to the persistent fly: "Get out of here." But it didn't. So Obama waited for the fly to settle, put his...
Hunchentoot - The Common Lisp web server formerly known as TBNL
A full-featured web server written in Common Lisp offering things like HTTP/1.1 chunking, persistent connections, and SSL. Includes a framework for building dynamic websites interactively.
Objektorientierte Zugriffsschicht zu RDBMS
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Pathfinder Online: A Fantasy Sandbox MMO by Goblinworks Inc. — Kickstarter
Goblinworks Inc. sammelt Geld für Pathfinder Online: A Fantasy Sandbox MMO auf Kickstarter! A game where your actions are persistent, your characters can build kingdoms, and YOU are the storyteller!
Wikisource:Skriptorium/Archiv/2010/Mai – Wikisource
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Persistent vegetative state: Verdursten lassen oder sterben dürfen?
Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, ob es gerechtfertigt ist, bei Wachkoma die Sondenernährung einzustellen. Matthis Synofzik, Georg Marckmann Das Schicksal von Terri Schiavo hat wochenlang die Welt bewegt. Worin liegt das Besondere dieses Falles? Warum...
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Asia: Sources, Distributions, Transport and ... - Google Books
Large amounts of data obtained through environmental monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in 10 Asian countries and Australia have been compiled and explored using principles of environmental chemistry, toxicology, and risk assessment. This…