24 Ergebnisse für: nahert
Geistiges Eigentum und Eigentumstheorie: Rekonstruktion der Begründung von ... - Michael Goldhammer - Google Books
English summary: The justification of intellectual property is highly controversial. In reconstructing the American theory of property, Michael Goldhammer shows how the ownership of intangible property can be justified. The dependance of the justification…
Gelehrtentum und Patrizierstand: Wirkungskreise des Nürnberger Humanisten ... - Antonia Landois - Google Books
English summary: Sixtus Tucher (1459-1507), the privileged son of a Patrician family, pursued a religious career. But how much of it did he actually determine himself, and which aspects were dictated to him by others? Where was he active, and where did his…
Relationale Ontologie bei Paulus - Emmanuel L. Rehfeld - Google Books
English summary: The center of both Paul's own piety and theological reflection is a person . According to Paul, the Jewish apostle to the Gentiles (K.-W. Niebuhr), everything depends on the relation to Jesus Christ. A consequence of this rather…
Relationale Ontologie bei Paulus - Emmanuel L. Rehfeld - Google Books
English summary: The center of both Paul's own piety and theological reflection is a person . According to Paul, the Jewish apostle to the Gentiles (K.-W. Niebuhr), everything depends on the relation to Jesus Christ. A consequence of this rather…