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Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha1 erschienen - Pro-Linux
Die erste Testversion des für Oktober 2011 geplanten Ubuntu 11.10 »Oneiric Ocelot« bringt Aktualisierungen, GTK+ 3 und Unity-2D.
Ubuntu und Kubuntu 15.04 - Unity und KDE - Pro-Linux
Nach all dem Vorgeplänkel nun zum eigentlichen Desktop. Unity, die offizielle Desktopumgebung von Ubuntu, blieb bei Version 7.3 und erhielt lediglich ein paar Korrekturen. Die einzige sichtbare...
Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha1 erschienen - Pro-Linux
Die erste Testversion des für Oktober 2011 geplanten Ubuntu 11.10 »Oneiric Ocelot« bringt Aktualisierungen, GTK+ 3 und Unity-2D.
neutretto - Google-Suche
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy (HEGRA)
The High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy (HEGRA) experiment on the island La Palma measured very energetic particles (cosmic rays) and gamma rays from cosmic sources. This page serves as a link to descriptions of the various measuring devices.
The Scientific Method-Richard Feynman - YouTube
The Scientific Method-Richard Feynman
Letter of Intent for the Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment - CERN Document Server
This Letter of Intent presents a plan for preserving and improving the current detection capabilities of the ATLAS detector to meet the challenges and take advantage of operating at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). From 2024, the HL-LHC will provide…
An interview with the anthropologist Jack Goody - part one - YouTube
An interview of the anthropologist Jack Goody about his life and time. He was interviewed by Eric Hobsbawm on 18th May 1991 at his home. Filmed by Alan Macfa...
Lecture III - People and Tomorrow's (Too Small) World - YouTube
Robert May, Baron May of Oxford; Professor, Zoology, Oxford University and Imperial College October 34 2012 2012 Stanislaw Ulam Memorial Lectures What having...