140 Ergebnisse für: megyn
Sexistische Attacke: Dieses Mal ist Donald Trump zu weit gegangen - WELT
Der sexistische Spruch über eine kritische Moderatorin und die Folgen: Erst wird Donald Trump als Hauptredner eines bedeutenden Republikaner-Treffens ausgeladen. Dann verliert er seinen Top-Berater.
'Be My Eyes' app helps blind people do everyday things - YouTube
CBS News' Bigad Shaban talks about a new app, Be My Eyes, that helps the blind or visually impaired do daily tasks.
Janet Mock rejoins Piers Morgan - YouTube
Following the pair's first interview on Tues, on Wed author Janet Mock returned for an interview on "Piers Morgan Live"
Alex Jones goes nuts on the BBC and host calls him an idiot & 'worst person ever interviewed' - YouTube
He's been invited on to talk about the Bilderberg Meetings 'conspiracy'. Andrew Neil hasn't had anyone on the show quite as idiotic as Alex Jones, and Neil l...
EXCLUSIVE: Alex Jones' Ex-Wife Tells All, Conspiracies, Fake Supplements - YouTube
--Kelly Jones, ex-wife of Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, joins David to discuss the truth about Alex Jones, his snake oil supplements, conspiracy t...
Mya Middleton: "Guns have become the voice of America & the government is becoming more negligent" - YouTube
Chicago teen Mya Middleton: "Guns have become the voice of America and the government is becoming more negligent to this predicament by the day" Subscribe to...
Emma González: "Fight for your lives before it's someone else's job" - YouTube
Stoneman Douglas student activist Emma González led an emotional, prolonged silence at the March for Our Lives, equal in duration to the shooter's rampage. "...
Deutsche Synchronkartei | Filme | Bumblebee
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
It Gets Better | Perez Hilton - YouTube
Inspired by Dan Savage's "It Gets Better" project, I made this video of my own for the gay youth of the world - from my heart! Learn more and make your own v...
Donald Trump und Fox News: Welch eine Farce - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Kurzzeitig Feinde, plötzlich wieder Freunde: Der Sexismus-Streit zwischen Fox News und Donald Trump ist für den rechten Sender ein perfekter Coup. Manchen gilt der Kanal nun als Hort des kritischen Journalismus. Welch eine Farce.