1,296 Ergebnisse für: internationally

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    Enthält: An extensive appendix gives up-to-date information on political, artistic, intellectual, economic and social life and internationally renowned enterprises.

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    Paths Of Memory Schmuel Gogol, internationally acclaimed virtuoso and founder of the world's only harmonica orchestra: A Holocaust survivor returns to his na...

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    German propaganda vorfilm with strong anti-semitism. Emil Ludwig (born Emil Cohn), mentioned in the shortmovie, was internationally famed for his popular bio...

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    A short video introduction to author, storyteller and corporate magician Richard Hatch, based in Logan, Utah but travelling internationally to serve his clie...

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    Internationally-renowned British composer George Benjamin tells us about his experience of composing Written on Skin and getting it ready for the stage. Find...

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    or, Manolides as she is internationally known, is a Greek classical composer and conductor, presently a TV presenter. Born in Athens, Greece, Eugenia Manolid...

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    In this uplifting talk and slide show, Lily Yeh shares stories and images from her internationally celebrated community art projects. From the inner city of ...

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    Funkerman, known to his postman as Ardie van Beek, (born 1975, Breda, The Netherlands), is an internationally appreciated DJ/producer and the founder of Can ...

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    In 1981, the german band NO MORE landed the underground hit SUICIDE COMMANDO, which in the following years spread internationally regardless of genre and sce...

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    by http://www.picpro.tv/ The Life Ball is one of the largest AIDS charity events worldwide and an internationally unique event. Since 1993 the Life Ball cont...

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