1,218 Ergebnisse für: farmers
Willkommen - Dohren Wild Farmers Baseball & Softball
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Pakistani.co.de - Ihr Pakistani Shop
Information Needs of Rural Pakistani Farmers als Buch von Muhammad Asif Naveed, Language and Gender Stereotypes: A Study of Pakistani Newspapers als Buch von Sarwet Rasul, Will the Real Pakistani Woman Please Stand Up? als eBook Download von Moon…
Home Grown: The Case for Local Food in a Global Market - Brian Halweil - Google Books
Entering the foodshed -- The transcontinental lettuce -- The Wal-Mart effect -- Making food deserts bloom -- Farmers as entrepreneurs -- Taking back the market -- Rebuilding the local foodshed -- The personal case for eating local.
Benjamin Thompson, Graf Rumford: Mit wenig Mühe Gutes stiften | radioWissen | Bayern 2 | Radio | BR.de
Benjamin Thompson, Sohn eines kleinen Farmers aus Massachusetts, machte Karriere in Europa als Graf Rumford. In Bayern setzte er sich für die Armen ein - und ist der "Vater" des Münchner Englischen Gartens. Autorin: Carola Zinner
Stian Carstensen & Farmers Market » Nordische Musik
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"International Union of Young Farmers" - Google-Suche
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Vietnam: Tran Quoc Hien und weitere Gewerkschafter in Haft | Amnesty International Deutschland
Tran Quoc Hien, Doan Van Dien und Tran Thi Le Hang, drei führende Mitglieder der unabhängigen Gewerkschaft "United Workers-Farmers Organization" (UWFO) wurden Ende 2006 / Anfang 2007 festgenommen und befinden sich nach wie vor in Haft.
The Future is an Ancient Lake: Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity and ... - Caterina Batello, Marzio Marzot, Adamou Harouna Touré, Peter Ervin Kenmore, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Google Books
This art book contains over 350 color photographs by Marzio Marzot, documenting information on traditional food production systems, scientific details and notes from a journey through one of the world' s outstanding region: the Lake Chad Basin in Africa.…
On The Waterfront: Water Distribution, Technology And Agrarian Change In A ... - Peter P. Mollinga - Google Books
Series: Wageningen University Water Resources Series. This book analyses the struggle over water in a large-scale irrigation system in Raichur District, Karnataka, South India. It looks at water control as a simultaneously technical, managerial and…
Indian farmers better than scientists: Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz | Deccan Herald
Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz is impressed by the organic farming practices in Bihar's Nalanda district, terming its practitioners "better than scientists" and calling for their experiences to be researched so that these can be replicated elsewhere.