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Dispute537 Ergebnisse für: disputes
Rivers of Discord: International Water Disputes in the Middle East - Greg Shapland - Google Books
Intensifying competition for scarce water resources, the result of rapid population growth and the drive for economic development, has added to the precarious politics of the Middle East and has the potential to generate tension and even armed conflict.…
hatay annexion - Google-Suche
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Rivers of Discord: International Water Disputes in the Middle East - Greg Shapland - Google Books
Intensifying competition for scarce water resources, the result of rapid population growth and the drive for economic development, has added to the precarious politics of the Middle East and has the potential to generate tension and even armed conflict.…
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Influence of Cultural Contexts in Learners´ Attributions for Success and Failure in Foreign Language Learning als eBook Download von Ana Sofia Gon..., Kelleys Kovariationsmodell und Attributionsfehler. Wie wirken sich Attributionen auf die…
Security Flashpoints: Oil, Islands, Sea Access and Military Confrontation ... - Google Books
"Security Flashpoints: Oil, Islands, Sea Access and Military" "Confrontation" covers a range of controversial issues rife with potential for provoking military confrontation in the world's salt water areas. Understanding the factual setting for flashpoints…
Island Disputes and Maritime Regime Building in East Asia: Between a Rock ... - Min Gyo Koo - Google Books
islands has emotional content far beyond any material significance because giving way on the island issue to Japan would be considered as once again compromising the sovereignty over the whole Korean peninsula. For Japan, the Dokdo issue may lack the same…
eXtrem nationalist Srpska Radikalna Stranka - Google-Suche,ssl&ei=SoilVLj6DIa5Ue-o
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eXtrem nationalist Srpska Radikalna Stranka - Google-Suche,ssl&ei=SoilVLj6DIa5Ue-ogdgL
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