863 Ergebnisse für: demands
Mapping the Future: Big Data Governmentality Demands New Critical Vocabulary in Social Theory | KHK/GCR21
Forscher aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und Weltregionen untersuchen kulturelle Prämissen und Dynamiken einer neu entstehenden Global Governance.
Chinaguide.de - Ihr Chinaguide Shop
China C 30 Globuli, 10 g, Reiseführer - GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG FÜR CHINA - China, Meinl Trash China C.custom 16, Stagg T-ch14 - 14traditional China Cymbal Lion 35cm/1p, Schrader Schwarzer Tee China Litchi Congou,
"Arab Organisation For Human Rights in the UK & EU" - Google-Suche
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Geschlechtsumwandlung und Zwangsscheidung: zwei bahnbrechende Klärungen des italienischen Verfassungsgerichtshofes | Verfassungsblog
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Prof. Dr. Irmi Seidl - Mitarbeitende - WSL
Die Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL untersucht Wald, Landschaft, Biodiversität, Naturgefahren sowie Schnee und Eis. Sie gehört zum ETH-Bereich.
A Body of Vision: Representations of the Body in Recent Film and Poetry - R. Bruce Elder - Google Books
Elder examines how artists such as Brakhage, Artaud, Schneemann, Cohen and others have tried to recognize and to convey primordial forms of experiences. He argues that the attempt to convey these primordial modes of awareness demands a different…
Geschlechtsumwandlung und Zwangsscheidung: zwei bahnbrechende Klärungen des italienischen Verfassungsgerichtshofes | Verfassungsblog
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Writing the Revolution: German and English Radical Literature, 1819-1848/49 - Raphael Hörmann - Google Books
This study investigates German and English revolutionary literary discourse between 1819 and 1848/49. Marked by dramatic socioeconomic transformations, this period witnessed a pronounced transnational shift from the concept of political revolution to one…
Spiritual Florida: A Guide to Retreat Centers and Religious Sites in Florida ... - Mauricio Herreros - Google Books
Do you need a break from the demands and pressures of daily life? Spending a weekend, a few days, or even just an hour away from the world may be exactly what you need to renew your spirit. Going on spiritual journeys and retreats is not new-people have…