530 Ergebnisse für: ccp
New Perspectives on the Chinese Revolution - Tony Saich, Hans J. Van De Ven - Google Books
These essays present fresh insights into the history of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), from its founding in 1920 to its assumption of state power in 1949. They draw upon considerable archival resources which have recently become available.
Extrembergsteiger Hans Kammerlander zu Gast im CCP - Nachrichten aus Pforzheim bei PZ-news.de | Pforzheimer Zeitung - Pforzheimer Zeitung
Pforzheim. Nicht viele Menschen strahlen eine solche Ruhe und Gelassenheit aus wie der Extrembergsteiger Hans Kammerlander. Bedenkt man, dass er im ...
Managing Transitions: The Chinese Communist Party, United Front Work ... - Gerry Groot - Google Books
Managing Transitions examines the history and roles of China's minor parties and groups (MPG's) in the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) united front between the 1930's and 1990's using Antonio Gramsci's principles for the winning and maintaining of…
The Writings of Mao Zedong, 1949-1976: January 1956-December 1957 - Zedong Mao - Google Books
This collection of the correspondence of Mao Zedong during the period 1956 to 1957 explores the question of legitimatizing the leadership of the CCP, the pace of the socialist transformation of China's economy, and the issue of the divergence of…
The Writings of Mao Zedong, 1949-1976: January 1956-December 1957 - Zedong Mao - Google Books
This collection of the correspondence of Mao Zedong during the period 1956 to 1957 explores the question of legitimatizing the leadership of the CCP, the pace of the socialist transformation of China's economy, and the issue of the divergence of…
Trauer um „Flippers“-Mitglied: Manfred Durban verstorben - Mühlacker - Pforzheimer Zeitung
Knittlingen. Die Nachricht ist für Knittlingen, den Enzkreis und alle Flippers-Fans deutschlandweit ein Schock: Manfred Durban, der beliebte ...
Deutsche Börse Xetra - Alle handelbaren Instrumente
Xetra®. The market. Aktuelle News, Themen, Kurse vom Referenzmarkt für deutsche Aktien und ETFs. Handelszeiten börsentäglich von 9 bis 17.30 Uhr.
Eve Online: Wie CCP für Island Millionen im Weltall verdient - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Das Weltraumspiel "Eve Online" ist anders: Wer ausgeraubt wird, verliert echten Geldwert, die Fans wählen eine eigene Vertretung und beeinflussen die Entwicklung. Zum Fanfest reisen Tausende nach Island. All das sorgt dafür, dass "Eve" einem Branchentrend…
China's Communist Party: Atrophy and Adaptation - David L Shambaugh - Google Books
Few issues affect the future of China--and hence all the nations that interact with China--more than the nature of its ruling party and government. In this timely study, David Shambaugh assesses the strengths and weaknesses, durability, adaptability, and…
Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China - Katherine Palmer Kaup - Google Books
"The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officially recognized the 16 million Zhuang as China's largest minority nationality in the early 1950s, granting then regional autonomy. Prior to this, however, the Zhuang did not share a common ethnic identity. Katherine…