45 Ergebnisse für: anthers
Angiosperm families - Bignoniaceae Juss.
Description of Bignoniaceae Juss., generated from a DELTA database.
The Families of Flowering Plants - Menyanthaceae Dum.
Description of Menyanthaceae Dum., generated from a DELTA database.
Flora Europaea: Psilotaceae to Platanaceae - Google Books
Published in five volumes, Flora Europaea is the definitive account of the flowering plants, ferns and fern-allies of Europe, covering all plants growing in the wild, including many naturalized species and all widely cultivated crop species. It provides…
Flowering Plants. Monocotyledons: Alismatanae and Commelinanae (except ... - Google Books
When Rolf Dahlgren and I embarked on preparing this book series, Rolf took prime responsibility for monocotyledons, which had interested him for a long time. After finishing his comparative study and family classification of the monocots, he devoted much…
Flowering Plants. Monocotyledons: Lilianae (except Orchidaceae) - Google Books
When Rolf Dahlgren and I embarked on preparing this book series, Rolf took prime responsibility for monocotyledons, which had interested him for a long time. After finishing his comparative study and family classification of the mono cots, he devoted much…
Angiosperm families - Thunbergiaceae Van Tiegh.
Description of Thunbergiaceae Van Tiegh., generated from a DELTA database.
Flora of North America: North of Mexico - Flora of North America Editorial Committee - Google Books
To be published in 14 volumes over the next 12 years, this long-awaited synoptic compendium represents the first and only comprehensive taxonomic guide to the extraordinary diversity of plant life blanketing our continent north of Mexico--including…
Flora of North America: North of Mexico Volume 22: Magnoliophyta ... - Google Books
To be published in 14 volumes over the next 12 years, this long-awaited synoptic compendium represents the first and only comprehensive taxonomic guide to the extraordinary diversity of plant life blanketing our continent north of Mexico--including…
Flowering Plants · Dicotyledons: Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid Families - Google Books
This volume - the first of this series dealing with angiosperms - comprises the treatments of 73 families, representing three major blocks of the dicotyledons: magnoliids, centrosperms, and hamamelids. These blocks are generally recognized as subclasses in…
Angiosperm families - Pedaliaceae R. Br.
Description of Pedaliaceae R. Br., generated from a DELTA database.