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Arabian214 Ergebnisse für: agrarian
Category:Peasants – Wikimedia Commons
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The Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party Before the First World War - Manfred Hildermeier - Google Books
The Socialist Revolutionary Party (PSR) played an important role in the history of the Russian revolutionary movement. The author seeks to explain why this party--which continued the tradition of the 1870s--did not ultimately prevail in an agrarian country…
Political Topographies of the African State: Territorial Authority and ... - Catherine Boone - Google Books
This study brings Africa into the mainstream of studies of state-formation in agrarian societies. Territorial integration is the challenge: institutional linkages and political deals that bind center and periphery are the solutions. In African countries,…
- - Ihr Marxist Shop
Marxistischer Anti-Leninismus, Beyerstedt, H: Marxistische Kritik an der Sowjetunion in der (Taschenbuch), The divergences between maoism and classical marxist thought als Buch von Sebastian Erckel, Psychoanalytic Mediations between Marxist and…
- - Ihr Subaltern Shop
Forty-One Years in India, Vol. 2 of 2 als Buch von Frederick Sleigh Roberts, State and the Subaltern, The als eBook Download von Touraj Atabaki, Subaltern Urbanisation in India als Buch von, Subaltern Movements in India als eBook Download von Manisha…
Category:Political parties in Bulgaria – Wikimedia Commons
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Transforming Brazil: A Reform Era in Perspective - Mauricio Augusto Font - Google Books
Transforming Brazil explores the complex web of policies, ideas, institutions, social forces, and political actors behind recent Brazilian reforms. By placing them in a broader analytical framework, it sets the backdrop for a better understanding of the…
Cluster Asia and Europe - Uni Heidelberg: Nachwuchsforschergruppen
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- - Ihr Seeding Shop
Samples of artificial cloud seeding with liquid carbon dioxide als Buch von Kikuro Tomine, Kenji Wakimizu, Koji Nishiyama, The Importance of Thick Seeding in the Production of Milo in the San Antonio Region (Classic Reprint) als Buch von Stephen Harold…
andrei sangheli - Google-Suche
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