786 Ergebnisse für: 23rd

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    First Video of the upcoming Album "Remnant of Decadence" out 23rd of September 2016 on Bret Hard Records. On LP/CD/DOWNLOAD http://www.brethard.de/ http://ww...

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    Whist Up to Date als Buch von Charles Stuart Street, A Short Treatise on the Game of Whist als Buch von Edmond Hoyle, Practical Guide to Whist als Buch von Fisher Ames, A Sixpence at Whist: Gaming and the English Middle Classes, 1680-1830 als eBook…

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    Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

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    Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

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    On the 23rd of July 2007 Georg Tabori died. One of the last great men of theater. Georg touched and influenced me as an artist in more ways that could be men...

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    July 23rd, 2012 - I have just added the cinemascope feature on YouTube. As of 8:41 PM the video is being edited. I was able to brighten some of the footage. ...

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    On Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012, I told my girlfriend to meet me at my parent's house for dinner. When she arrived I had stationed my brother to sit her in the ...

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    Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

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    Von 23.-26. September 2014 fand in Berlin die innotrans, die größte Schienenverkehrsmesse der Welt statt. From September 23rd to 26th, 2014 the biggest transport fair for transport on rails took place in Berlin.

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    3sat - Mainz (ots) - Beim 23rd International Festival of Films on Art, das vom 10. bis 20. März 2005 im kanadischen Montreal stattfand, errang die 3sat- Produktion „Taoism in a Bowl of Water“ über den chinesischen Komponisten Tan ...

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