201 Ergebnisse für: uctv
Family Counseling (1960) - YouTube
Rudolf Dreikurs, M.D. conducts a family counseling session in front of a television audience at public television station KOAC in Corvallis, OR. A couple wit...
Bente Kahan Sings the Yiddish Song that Reminds Her Most of her Father - YouTube
Bente Kahan, Jewish-Norwegian performing artist, sings a Yiddish song that reminds her of her father, and explains what about the song speaks to her. To lear...
The Carnyx: The Mouthpiece of the Gods - John Kenny - YouTube
In 1993 John Kenny became the first person in 2000 years to play the carnyx, a Celtic war horn and much more. His instrument, a faithful reconstruction of a ...
Is Paul's Legacy Relevant Today? - YouTube
E. P. Sanders, Th.D. Arts and Sciences Professor Emeritus of Religion Duke University
Flannery O'Connor Reads 'Some Aspects of the Grotesque in Southern Fiction' (c. 1960) - YouTube
A rare recording of Flannery O'Connor reading an early version of her witty and revealing essay, "Some Aspects of the Grotesque in Southern Fiction"
Gilles Chabrier -- Brown dwarf and star formation and the bottom of the IMF: a critical look - YouTube
Gilles Chabrier, ENS-Lyon June 15, 2012 "In this review, I will first examine the present determination of the IMF down to the brown dwarf regime, in light o...
Belle Tutaev: Founder of Pre-school Learning Alliance - YouTube
Belle Tutaev, the founder of Pre-school Learning Alliance, talks about the history of the organisation, from it's origins in 1960s London, to the important r...
Karl Marx in Algier - YouTube
Karl Marx in Algier von Robert Quitta Karl Marx: Yehuda Fuchs der Schneider: Novi Vukovic der Webstuhl: Baumwollautomat der Fa. Engels der Mann am Webstuhl: ...
Franz Völker: Einmal sagt man sich Adieu (Paul Godwin, 1929) - YouTube
FRANZ VÖLKER, Tenor (Opernhaus Frankfurt am Main) mit Orchesterbegleitung, Leitung PAUL GODWIN EINMAL SAGT MAN SICH ADIEU Walzer aus dem Film "Die wunderbare...
Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brain - YouTube
A study by University of Rochester Scientists in the journal Science reveals that the brain's unique method of waste removal -- dubbed the glymphatic system ...