14 Ergebnisse für: wwjd
Shattering the Christ Myth - James Patrick Holding - Google Books
How To Get Rid of Jesus: Prove He Didn't Exist! A popular question posed by Christians today asks, "WWJD?" - which stands for, "What Would Jesus Do?" For more and more Skeptics of Christianity, however, the answer to this question is, "JDNE" - which stands…
Kunst im Visier von Attentätern - Weltwunder Nr. 4 - PM Online
Der Artemistempel in Ephesos: Ein Mann namens Herostratos ließ das Heiligtum in Flammen aufgehen, um seinen Namen unsterblich ...
Kunst im Visier von Attentätern - Weltwunder Nr. 4 - PM Online
Der Artemistempel in Ephesos: Ein Mann namens Herostratos ließ das Heiligtum in Flammen aufgehen, um seinen Namen unsterblich ...
Evangelical Textual Criticism: Gilles Quispel dies
The ETC Blog is a forum for people with knowledge of the Bible in its original languages to discuss its manuscripts and textual history from the perspective of historic evangelical theology.