3,686 Ergebnisse für: took
Then I took an arrow in the knee [HD] - YouTube
I used to Capture this on PC with highest possible settings, Then i took an arrow in the knee.
Bird lands on Sanders' podium during Portland rally - YouTube
Bernie Sanders took a moment to comment on the symbolism of the bird that interrupted his rally in Portland, Oregon.
Jagdausstellung Manhattan Kapelle: Cake Walk, recorded 1910 - YouTube
In 1910 the 'Erste Internationale Jagdausstellung' (First International Hunting Exposition) took place in Vienna. To amuse the visitors, the exhibition manag...
The Parajet SkyCar's First Flight - 2009 - YouTube
The SkyCar's first flight up to 1000ft took place from SkySchool's HQ at Aerodromo Ordis in Spain on January 22nd 2009.
Travel app Trip.com has been acquired by Chinese travel giant Ctrip - Business Insider Deutschland
Chinese travel giant Ctrip took interesting step into the US market by buying a trip.com, a 25-employee Palo Alto startup.
Italy Takes Delivery of First F-35
Italy took formal delivery Thursday of its first joint strike fighter — the first F-35 to be built outside the US.
Ukraine: Female activists protest with flowers and patriotism - YouTube
A colourful flashmob took place in front of Ukraine's presidential administration building, blocked by Berkut riot police units Sunday morning. Female activi...
Cycling Legend Rails Against British Reporter - YouTube
A Sacramento news conference took a dark turn Thursday when cyclist Lance Armstrong ripped Paul Kimmage, a reporter from The Sunday Times.
Kaieteur Falls - HD video beauty shots - YouTube
This is some video shots I took while on a tour of Kaieteur Falls. This video was de-interlaced for online playback.
Demigod: Day 1 Status Report » Forum Post by Frogboy
Demigod: Day 1 Status Report » Forum Post by Frogboy » I broke my 56 hour day this morning and took a nap