1,469 Ergebnisse für: syrian
Songs to Freedom | Bassel Shahade ... أغاني الحرية | باسل شحادة - YouTube
Featuring: Noam Chomsky , Norman Finkelstein, Amy Goodman, Erica Chenoweth and Syrian Protesters. فيلم عن الثورة السورية بمشاركة نعوم تشومسكي ، نورمان فينكلس...
Syria - The REAL Story -- MUST SEE -- CIA & MOSSAD Death Squads Exposed - YouTube
Webster Tarpley - Author, Historian, Journalist On Guns and Butter | KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley http://www.kpfa.org/archive/id/76242 On Syrian Addounia TV - http:...
Syrian Revolutionary Dabke - YouTube
Response from the streets of Hama to Bashar's speech, with additional music & translation added by the Creative Syrian Revolution. The singer "Ibrahim Qashou...
Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Hassan Nasrallah (E1) - YouTube
Hezbollah urged the Syrian opposition to engage in dialogue with Assad's regime, but they refused. Hezbollah leader Sayyid Nasrallah confirmed this in his fi...
Interview with Rafik Schami: ''The Rebellion's Perseverance Surprises Me'' - Qantara.de
In the opinion of the German-Syrian writer Rafik Schami, the Syrian opposition is a temporary "front" that is united only in its desire to topple Assad. As soon as the regime begins to weaken, there is a risk of civil war. Anne Allmeling spoke to Schami…
Abounaddara Films (@abounaddarafilm) | Twitter
Die neuesten Tweets von Abounaddara Films (@abounaddarafilm). Syrian film production company + collective of self-taught filmmakers involved in emergency cinema. https://t.co/s2vvGRVNSG. Damascus
Syrian Expat Philharmonic Orchestra - opening concert
Musik event in Bremen by Syrian Expat Philharmonic Orchestra - SEPO on Dienstag, September 22 2015 with 134 people interested and 311 people going. 32...
Syrian Arab A320 gelingt sichere Landung nach Kollision mit Helikopter
DAMASKUS - Ein Airbus A320-200 der Fluggesellschaft Syrian Arab Airlines ist am vergangenen Donnerstag offenbar mit einem Militärhubschrauber kollidiert. Dies berichtet der Branchendienst The Aviation..
Category:Syrian Air – Wikimedia Commons
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Syrian Rebellion Obs auf Twitter: "#SRO - WHO'S WHO IN THE N-W #SYRIA REBELLION OFFENSIVE - Detailed panorama of the #Idlib - #Hama rebellion campaigns. http://t.co/vlPuX3H7JD"
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