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Organizing142 Ergebnisse für: organising
17.11. Weltstudententag – was ist das? - Studis Online
Der Weltstudententag wird seit 1941 begangen und soll an den studentischen Widerstand gegen die Nazis in Prag 1939 erinnern. 2018 ist das Motto „Mind Our Education – Educate Our Minds“.
One of the great pioneers of Australian... - Australian School Band and Orchestra Festival | Facebook
One of the great pioneers of Australian jazz, pianist, Jim Somerville, passed away today aged 95. Jim’s son, Brian, has been involved with the School...
Dr. Peter Struss, Professor, Department... - Amrita Center for International Programs - ACIP | Facebook
Dr. Peter Struss, Professor, Department of Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, TUM (Germany) visited the Amritapuri campus in April 2016. He met...
16th Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) Conference "The State of Economics after the Crisis" - EconBiz
The submission of papers in the following areas is encouraged: - The relationship between microeconomics and macroeconomics - Implications of experimental and behavioural microeconomics for alternative macroeconomics - Towards a more coherent…
Google Scholar,5&q=%22TriRhenaTech%22&btnG=
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16th Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) Conference "The State of Economics after the Crisis" - EconBiz
The submission of papers in the following areas is encouraged: - The relationship between microeconomics and macroeconomics - Implications of experimental and behavioural microeconomics for alternative macroeconomics - Towards a more coherent…
11th European Short Course Swimming Championships - Debrecen - Hungary, 13-16 December 2007
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Maik Schierloh - kunstaspekte
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Berlin Science Hacking (Berlin, Deutschland) | Meetup
This meetup, which started back in April 2015, grew out of the community of weird scientists and hackers that got to know each other through the annual hackathon Science Hack Day Berlin (http://berlin