569 Ergebnisse für: norms
In Defense of Uncle Tom: Why Blacks Must Police Racial Loyalty - Brando Simeo Starkey - Google Books
'Uncle Tom' is the most piercing epithet blacks can hurl at one another. It marks targets as race traitors, and that painful stain is often permanent. Much more than a slur, Uncle Tom is a vital component of a system of social norms in the black community…
Recent developments in the relations between state and party norms in the People’s Republic of China
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Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Ethics: The Good and The Right - Mario BUNGE - Google Books
The purpose of this Introduction is to sketch our approach to the study of value, morality and action, and to show the place we assign it in the system of human knowledge. 1. VALUE, MORALITY AND ACTION: FACT, THEORY, AND METATHEORY We take it that all…
Wikimedia VI - Image - YouTube
*Wiki Loves Parliaments Author / Speaker : Olaf Kosinsky, Manuel Schneider *Commons Made a Quality Photographer Out of Me Author / Speaker : Diego Delso *DMC...
In Defense of Uncle Tom: Why Blacks Must Police Racial Loyalty - Brando Simeo Starkey - Google Books
'Uncle Tom' is the most piercing epithet blacks can hurl at one another. It marks targets as race traitors, and that painful stain is often permanent. Much more than a slur, Uncle Tom is a vital component of a system of social norms in the black community…
Luftsport.co.de - Ihr Luftsport Shop
Butler Parker 165 ? Kriminalroman (eBook, ePUB), triaction by Triumph Sport-BH Triaction Extreme Lite N, Maier Sports Outdoorjacke »Metor Therm Packaway Jacke Herren«, schwarz, Moderne Flugmedizin, Wii Sports Resort [Software only, Internationale…
"New Environmental Paradigm" - Google-Suche
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Google Scholar
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Sex, Politics, and Putin: Political Legitimacy in Russia - Valerie Sperling - Google Books
Is Vladimir Putin macho, or is he a "fag"? Sex, Politics, and Putin investigates how gender stereotypes and sexualization have been used as tools of political legitimation in contemporary Russia. Despite their enmity, regime allies and detractors alike…
Theologie und Alltag: Lehre und Leben in den Predigten der Tübinger ... - Sabine Holtz - Google Books
This study evaluates social-historical and theological aspects of sermons from orthodox Lutheran theologians from 1550 to 1750. By researching the transformation of theological teachings into social ethical norms, the author inquires into confessionally…