4,341 Ergebnisse für: hosts
Wikimedia Foundation metrics and activities meeting - February 2018 - YouTube
The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that supports Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects, hosts a monthly metrics and activities meeting to share sto...
UCSD Guestbook: Neuroscientist Martin Raff - YouTube
UCSD's Nick Spitzer hosts noted neuroscientist Martin Raff in a fascinating discussion about his work and future directions in neuroscience. Series: "UCSD Gu...
Anthony Bourdain on publishing Marilyn Hagerty - YouTube
Chef Anthony Bourdain speaks to the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts about his decision to publish 85-year-old "viral" food critic Marilyn Hagerty's reviews.
Mission Freundlichkeit - Mein 100 Tage Experiment | Entertainment | Produktionen | UFA - INSPIRING ENTERTAINMENT
Die Mission ist der Selbstversuch unseres Hosts, Jan Köppen: Er versucht nicht nur selbst über 100 Tage hinweg freundlich zu sein, er macht es sich ...
Unplug UPnP - Security Now 389 - YouTube
Exploitable open UPnP router ports, whole disk encryption on SSD's, your questions, and more. Hosts: Steve Gibson, Leo Laporte Download or subscribe to this ...
Stanford Presents Will Spiritual Robots Replace Humanity by 2100 Pt 1 3 - YouTube
The seminal Stanford symposium "Will Spiritual Robots Replace Humanity by 2100?" on April 1, 2000 Douglas Hofstader hosts a panel of eight luminaries who dis...
VMware Workstation 8: Desktop-Server und Admin-Tool für vSphere | WindowsPro
VMware Workstation 8 kann als Server anderen PCs den Remote-Zugriff auf VMs erlauben. Außerdem öffnet sie VMs von ESXi-Hosts und kann diese verwalten.
What is the Onyx Path? - GenCon 2012 - YouTube
Audio from the "What is the Onyx Path?" seminar from GenCon 2012. Images from the PowerPoint slides. Hosts include Rich Thomas, Eddy Webb, Matt McElroy, C.A....
BlogactivTV - YouTube
Blogactiv is the premier blog platform for opinions, discussions and views on EU policies. Blogactiv hosts expert generated content and can be found here: ht...
Paul Krugman says "I'd blame Alan Greenspan and Phil Gramm" - YouTube
David Gregory hosts a one on one with economist Paul Krugman who talks about the financial bailout proposed by the Bush Administration. Among many thoughts o...