19 Ergebnisse für: gefuhrten
Pharmakotherapie der Sucht - Google Books
Im Spannungsfeld von Abstinenzparadigma und umstrittener Relevanz der pharmakotherapeutischen Moglichkeiten ist die Debatte um die Rolle der Psychopharmakotherapie bei Abhangigkeitserkrankungen oft ideologisch belastet. Dabei ist der psychopharmakologische…
Grenzüberschreitendes Verwaltungshandeln: transnationale Elemente deutschen ... - Martin Kment - Google Books
English summary: Whenever the state operates across national boundaries on an administrative level, there are various legal issues which arise in international law, constitutional law and administrative law. Martin Kment deals with these issues in detail…
Von Stein zu Stein, von Schanze zu Schanze: und Weinlage zu Weinlage - Hubertus Schulze-Neuhoff - Google Books
Die Mittelmoselregion (und nahere und fernere Umgebung) bietet viele Sehenswurdigkeiten: Menhire (Hinkelsteine), Dolmen, Fels-Kanzeln, Relikte von "Jupitergigantensaulen" mit "Viergottersteinen," "Teufelssteine," "steinerne Schlange," Schanzen bei Wolf,…
Grenzüberschreitendes Verwaltungshandeln: transnationale Elemente deutschen ... - Martin Kment - Google Books
English summary: Whenever the state operates across national boundaries on an administrative level, there are various legal issues which arise in international law, constitutional law and administrative law. Martin Kment deals with these issues in detail…
Kreditwesengesetz und Strafverfahren: zur Bedeutung des "nemo-tenetur ... - Daniela Kleinheisterkamp - Google Books
English summary: Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare - nowadays, the privilege against self-incrimination plays its major role in administrative procedures rather than in criminal proceedings. Daniela Kleinheisterkamp analyzes if and to what extent requirements…
Kreditwesengesetz und Strafverfahren: zur Bedeutung des "nemo-tenetur ... - Daniela Kleinheisterkamp - Google Books
English summary: Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare - nowadays, the privilege against self-incrimination plays its major role in administrative procedures rather than in criminal proceedings. Daniela Kleinheisterkamp analyzes if and to what extent requirements…
Luther und das Konzil: zur Entwicklung eines zentralen Themas in der ... - Christopher Spehr - Google Books
English summary: As an institution of the church and a Christian authority, the council became a central and, from the perspective of religious policy, highly controversial topic during the Reformation. The discussions, which were held on theological,…
Luther und das Konzil: zur Entwicklung eines zentralen Themas in der ... - Christopher Spehr - Google Books
English summary: As an institution of the church and a Christian authority, the council became a central and, from the perspective of religious policy, highly controversial topic during the Reformation. The discussions, which were held on theological,…
Luther und das Konzil: zur Entwicklung eines zentralen Themas in der ... - Christopher Spehr - Google Books
English summary: As an institution of the church and a Christian authority, the council became a central and, from the perspective of religious policy, highly controversial topic during the Reformation. The discussions, which were held on theological,…