23 Ergebnisse für: elds
Low Pressure Plasmas and Microstructuring Technology - Gerhard Franz - Google Books
Over the last forty years, plasma supported processes have attracted ever - creasing interest, and now, all modern semiconductor devices undergo at least one plasma-involved processing step, starting from surface cleaning via coating to etching. In total,…
Behavioral Neuroscience of Drug Addiction - Google Books
Drug addiction is a chronically relapsing mental illness involving severe motivational disturbances and loss of behavioral control leading to personal dev- tation. The disorder af?icts millions of people, often co-occurring with other mental illnesses with…
Basics of Geomatics - Mario A. Gomarasca - Google Books
Geomatics is a neologism, the use of which is becoming increasingly widespread, even if it is not still universally accepted. It includes several disciplines and te- niques for the study of the Earth’s surface and its environments, and computer science…
Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics: Proceedings of the International ... - Google Books
TheFifthHEIDELBERGInternationalConferenceonDarkMatterinAst- and Particle Physics, DARK 2004, took place at Texas A&M University, College Station Texas, USA, October 3–9, 2004. It was, after Cape Town 2002, the second conference of this series held outside…
Language Policy and Nation-Building in Post-Apartheid South Africa - Jon Orman - Google Books
The preamble to the post-apartheid South African constitution states that ‘South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity’ and promises to ‘lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is based on the will…
Algorithmic Information Theory: Mathematics of Digital Information Processing - Peter Seibt - Google Books
Shall we be destined to the days of eternity, on holy-days,as well as working days, to be shewing the RELICKS OF LEARNING, as monks do the relicks of their saints – without working one – one single miracle with them? Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy This…
Compendium of Quantum Physics: Concepts, Experiments, History and Philosophy - Google Books
Since its inception in the early part of the twentieth century, quantum physics has fascinated the academic world, its students, and even the general public. In fact, it is – or has become – a highly interdisciplinary eld. On a topic such as “the physicsof…
Springer Handbook of Crystal Growth - Google Books
Over the years, many successful attempts have been chapters in this part describe the well-known processes made to describe the art and science of crystal growth, such as Czochralski, Kyropoulos, Bridgman, and o- and many review articles, monographs,…
Springer Handbook of Crystal Growth - Google Books
Over the years, many successful attempts have been chapters in this part describe the well-known processes made to describe the art and science of crystal growth, such as Czochralski, Kyropoulos, Bridgman, and o- and many review articles, monographs,…
Springer Handbook of Crystal Growth - Google Books
Over the years, many successful attempts have been chapters in this part describe the well-known processes made to describe the art and science of crystal growth, such as Czochralski, Kyropoulos, Bridgman, and o- and many review articles, monographs,…